Our promise is to provide world-class expertise, perfect results for our clients. With modern dentistry, virtually anything can be fixed or corrected, but it takes the still artistry and experience of a true specialists, combined with the latest high-tech procedures to bring about the most excellent results.
All On Four/Six/Eight
They are implant supported prostheses prepared with high technology and experience in order to restore an aesthetic smile and chewing functions to our patients in complete tooth loss. They are highly comfortable alternatives for removable prostheses. It should be prepared after a minimum of 4, a maximum of 8 implants per jaw and the completion of the healing period. It is a highly aesthetic type of prosthesis.
Temporary Dentures
They are prostheses used for a limited time, which are prepared to prevent patients from being toothless during the healing period in cases such as tooth extractions, traumas or implant surgery, and to stimulate nutrition in the oral tissues. It should be easy to clean and easily removable when necessary. They are extremely important dentures for patients to continue their social lives, not to lose their chewing habits, and to prevent muscle fatigue.
Ball Attachment Dentures
Implant supported removable dentures are preferred in cases where there are no suitable conditions for preparing implant supported fixed prosthesis in patients with complete tooth loss. For a fixed implant supported prosthesis, 4/8 implants must be placed. It can be preferred in cases where the bone volume is insufficient and the bone volume cannot be increased, for example in cases of advanced diabetes. Since it is a prosthesis with soft tissue support and can be easily cleaned, they are valuable designs for patient and implant health.
Partial Dentures
They are tooth-supported removable prostheses that can be prepared for partial tooth loss and for patients who are not suitable for implant surgery. It is easy to clean and prepare. It is an economical prosthesis design.